Capricorn (Makara) Combination

Capricorn (Makara) Combination

USD $149149.00USD

Capricorn (Makara) Combination consists of 7 Mukhi and 14 Mukhi Gaurishankar Rudraksha and is optimal for Capricorn zodiac sign. The Ruling planet for Capricorn people is Saturn and our team of astrologers and Rudraksha experts have developed this combination to provide benefits across all four goals of life : Artha i.e Prosperity, Dharma , Kama i.e Happiness and Moksha.


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The native of the Sagittarius zodiac sign should wear 9 Mukhi Rudraksha to get peace from their fiery nature. The people of this zodiac have to face misery in life by showing off. Wearing nine Mukhi Rudraksha is extremely beneficial for the people of this zodiac to get all the happiness. This Rudraksha is related to nine snakes. To know the depths of spiritual as well as material happiness, this Rudraksha should be worn. If Rahu is in a weak position or is giving inauspicious effects in the kundali of the people of Sagittarius, they get a lot of benefits by wearing this Rudraksha. This Rudraksha helps to remove the effects of Kaal Sarp Dosha. For the treatment of snake bite, 9 Mukhi Rudraksha is immersed in water-filled in a copper vessel and then given to drink.

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