Aries (Mesha) Combination
From USD $149

The Aries(Mesha) Combination consists of 13 Mukhi and 13 Mukhi Gaurishankar Rudraksha and is optimal for Aries zodiac sign. The Ruling planet for Aries people is Mars and our team of astrologers and Rudraksha experts have developed this combination to provide benefits across all four goals of life : Artha (Prosperity), Dharma (righteousness), Kama (Happiness, Luxury) and Moksha (Unity with the divine)

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Delivery times varies 21-30 days

Taurus (Vrisha) Combination
From USD $149

Taurus (Vrisha) Combination:Taurus (Vrisha) Combination consists of 12 Mukhi and 15 Mukhi Gaurishankar Rudraksha and is optimal for Taurus zodiac sign. The Ruling planet for Taurus people is Venus and our team of astrologers and Rudraksha experts have developed this combination to provide benefits across all four goals of life : Artha (Prosperity), Dharma (righteousness), Kama (Happiness, Luxury) and Moksha (Unity with the divine).Making this combination the best Rudraksha based on your Rashi (Zodiac Sign).

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Delivery times varies 21-30 days

Gemini (Mithun) Combination
From USD $149

Gemini(Mithun) Combination consists of 6 Mukhi and 13 Mukhi Gaurishankar Rudraksha and is optimal for Gemini zodiac sign. The Ruling planet for Gemini people is Mercury and our team of astrologers and Rudraksha experts have developed this combination to provide benefits across all four goals of life : Artha (Prosperity), Dharma (righteousness), Kama (Happiness, Luxury) and Moksha (Unity with the divine)

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Delivery times varies 21-30 days

Cancer (Kark) Combination
From USD $149

Cancer(Kark) Combination consists of 2 Mukhi and Gaurishankar Rudraksha and is optimal for Cancer zodiac sign. The Ruling planet for Cancer people is Moon and our team of astrologers and Rudraksha experts have developed this combination to provide benefits across all four goals of life : Artha (Prosperity), Dharma (righteousness), Kama (Happiness, Luxury) and Moksha (Unity with the divine)

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Delivery times varies 21-30 days

Leo (Simha) Combination
From USD $149

Leo(Simha) Combination consists of 12 Mukhi and 12 Mukhi Gaurishankar Rudraksha and is optimal for Leo zodiac sign. The Ruling planet for Leo people is Sun and our team of astrologers and Rudraksha experts have developed this combination to provide benefits across all four goals of life : Artha (Prosperity), Dharma (righteousness), Kama (Happiness, Luxury) and Moksha (Unity with the divine)

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Delivery times varies 21-30 days

Virgo (Kanya) Combination
From USD $149

Virgo(Kanya) Combination consists of 6 Mukhi and 13 Mukhi Gaurishankar Rudraksha and is optimal for Virgo zodiac sign. The Ruling planet for Virgo people is Mercury and our team of astrologers and Rudraksha experts have developed this combination to provide benefits across all four goals of life artha Prosperity, Dharma ), Kama Happiness, and Moksha.

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Delivery times varies 21-30 days

Libra (Tula) Combination
From USD $149

Libra (Tula) Combination consists of 12 Mukhi and 15 Mukhi Gaurishankar Rudraksha and is optimal for Libra zodiac sign. The Ruling planet for Libra people is Venus and our team of astrologers and Rudraksha experts have developed this combination to provide benefits across all four goals of life  Artha - Prosperity, Dharma - righteousness, Kama - Happiness and Moksha - Unity with the divine.

Note: Actual product image will be sent via email before we ship the product upon request. 

Actual product image will be sent via email before we ship the product upon request.  
Delivery times varies 21-30 days

Scorpio (Vrischika) Combination
From USD $149

Scorpio(Vrischika) Combination consists of 13 Mukhi and 13 Mukhi Gaurishankar Rudraksha and is optimal for Scorpio zodiac sign. The Ruling planet for Scorpio people is Mars and our team of astrologers and Rudraksha experts have developed this combination to provide benefits across all four goals of life , Artha -Prosperity, Dharma -righteousness, Kama - Happiness and Moksha - Unity with the divine.

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Delivery times varies 21-30 days

Sagittarius (Dhanus) Combination
From USD $149

Sagittarius(Dhanus) Combination consists of 5 Mukhi and 14 Mukhi Gaurishankar Rudraksha and is optimal for Sagittarius zodiac sign. The Ruling planet for Sagittarius people is Jupiter and our team of astrologers and Rudraksha experts have developed this combination to provide benefits across all four goals of life : Artha -Prosperity, Dharma , Kama - Happiness and Moksha.

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Delivery times varies 21-30 days

Capricorn (Makara) Combination
From USD $149

Capricorn (Makara) Combination consists of 7 Mukhi and 14 Mukhi Gaurishankar Rudraksha and is optimal for Capricorn zodiac sign. The Ruling planet for Capricorn people is Saturn and our team of astrologers and Rudraksha experts have developed this combination to provide benefits across all four goals of life : Artha i.e Prosperity, Dharma , Kama i.e Happiness and Moksha.


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Delivery times varies 21-30 days

Aquarius (Kumbha) Combination
From USD $149

Aquarius (Kumbha) Combination consists of 7 Mukhi and 14 Mukhi Gaurishankar Rudraksha and is optimal for Aquarius zodiac sign. The Ruling planet for Aquarius people is Saturn and our team of astrologers and Rudraksha experts have developed this combination to provide benefits across all four goals of life : Artha (Prosperity), Dharma (righteousness), Kama (Happiness, Luxury) and Moksha (Unity with the divine).

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Delivery times varies 21-30 days

Pisces -Meena Combination
From USD $149

It consists of 5 Mukhi and 14 Mukhi Gaurishankar Rudraksha and is optimal for Pisces zodiac sign.

This combination provide benefits across all four goals of life Artha i.e. Prosperity, Dharma means righteousness , Kama means Happiness,  and Moksha means Unity with the divine, combination the  Rudraksha based on your Zodiac Sign.

Actual product image will be sent via email before we ship the product upon request.  
Delivery times varies 21-30 days